Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bride for a Knight (MacKenzie, #5) By Sue-Ellen Wolfonder

Bride for a Knight (MacKenzie, #5)Bride for a Knight by Sue-Ellen Welfonder
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love it when authors add some bonding between the characters, and by that I mean bonding with other people than the main characters, like family or strangers and stuff.
That's why I was really touched when the thing with Jamie and his dad happened at the end. Of course there were scenes throughout the book about how both of them felt about each other but didn't know how to voice it. And I LOVED how Jamie reacted at the beginning about his brothers death, my heart really went out to him he made me cry couple of times.
Plus it was really a cute touch about how each of the main couple Aveline and Jamie thought about each other as mythical creatures the first time they saw each other.
And I was really shocked when I knew who was the villain in the book, it never crossed my mind and that is really a big bonus for the author, cause mostly authors give away the villain's through the middle of the book, and the refer can guess who the villain is, but this was my first time being shocked.
So overall it's a great book

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