Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Devil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3) By Lisa Kleypas

Devil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3)Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A good read
I really loved the heroin, and the hero even if he had some moments that made me think "asshole". I especially liked the contradictions in both the hero and heroin. where the hero looked like an ass and acted like an ass in moments, yet he couldn't hide his caring side, it was obvious how he cared about his wife. And the heroin when she looked like a timid shy overpowered girl, while in truth she had guts and nerves of steel, in the way she stood up to everyone.
The scene with her father made me cry, and her scene where the hero was shoot made me cry as well, it shows how she feels deeply about these people and vis versa. Yeah and all the scenes where the heroin was hurt, whether by her relatives or the book's villain were one of my favorites, it showed how he cared about her.
And there is one little thing that bugged me, it was the little confidence that the heroin showed the hero, ok I agree that his reputation wasn't complimentary but she should have given him a chance much sooner. And even her friends didn't believe that he had any good in him.
But I ADORED the last scene and the epilogue, they were too adorable. And the change in the heroin becomes evident in the last scene when she refuse his order and make him confront his feelings. And the epilogue, oh the epilogue~~, it was the most adorable, how everyone accepted him, and how they showed that he was a devoted husband who never Refused her anything XD
Overall great story ^^

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