My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This was the cutest book I have read in a very long while (re-reads not withstanding), and the best Malory book so far, and to tell the truth its way better than the previous two.
Georgina was a funny character and immensely amusing to read, one of the reasons that endeared the Malory family to me is that they were a big brood, and an addition to another brood was a big welcome, I loved her relationship with her brother and with Mac, it reminded me of Regina from the first book. She was a bit over-confident especially at the beginning but I guess James remedied that XD
James was the typical hot-sexy-bully-pirate, he practically oozed sexy, especially with that gold earing of his. He was mischievous and horny most of the book, but mostly amusing honestly, even when he did mean stuff to her, like telling her brothers that she was his mistress when she was right there. I thought that was over the top a bit, but when he told her the reason later I just loved him all the more, he had a way for apologizing at the end that made d two thing *drool & sigh*
This story was lighthearted honestly, and pretty interesting and funny, the sarcastic and taunting remarks that some characters said made me laugh so hard that people started looking at me as if I turned crazed. One of the best scenes that I liked is when Jeremy dragged her home with him, she trying to pull a way and started to kick him, then discovering that he tried to protect her was just adorable.
Overall, *thumps up*
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