My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What a great opener!!! Johanna Lindsey certainly knew how to begin a delightful story, form the main characters to the introduction of the rest that will follow, unlike some opening books where some authors focus on the background story and lose sight of the events and characters of the current book.
I of course loved Regina, not at first but I grew to admire her gumption. Of course I loved the rest of her family and her connection and attachment to them, especially the four uncles, they were all just adorable. At first I thought her a spoiled brat, but oh how she proved me wrong. if I was in her place I would have done it all differently, and I'm not ashamed to say that I wouldn't have had her steel backbone, for not all women would stand and tolerate what her beloved *snort* husband did to her and still stand straight and face him, take over his home and not resort to her family. I guess the thing I would have done the same and wouldn't change it for the world is that when he dumped her at his home and was about to leave she never told him about the baby, no matter that he was supposed to know about his son, if he didn't want her then so be it, she did the right thing, because if she told them she would have regretted it her whole life thinking she pinned him to her through a child , not love.
Him I totally hated and never sympathized with. Nicholas was a total asshole through and through. He wasn't like usual male characters, where his past was a huge mess that tormented him to act that way.The things he did to Regina were despicable from their engagement till they finally got things straitened out. His Bastardy wasn't that big of an issue, is character was the type that didn't care what society thought he even said so at the beginning of the book, but he contradicted himself throughout the whole novel. He wants but pushes her away, he wants he but seek other women, he wants her but leave her at the wedding night, he wants her but left her for over 6 months, he wants her but fights her.But I never hated him more until when he came back and thought the baby wasn't his, all I could think of was Fuck You. He keeps saying that he always regrets whats he said or done to her, but it couldn't help she will hate him just because he was a bastard. But I have to admit and give him some credit to his feelings for her, even though reluctantly, he did love her, his reaction when her uncle James who still was Captain Hook t him told him that he kidnapped her was praise worthy, and at the end after they patched things up and cleared the skies from any other misunderstanding his behavior changed a great deal you can say he unleashed his feelings for her since she knew the whole thing now and didn't give a damn.
What I really liked was the Mallory family, they were so lively and loving and protective of each other, just how they all were doing everything for Regina was proof enough, and I loved that the ref was mended between the brothers, the scene where Anthony met Jeremy and was shocked to see him so identical to him and then suddenly was pulled in to a bear hug and he hugged him back I just went Ahhh~
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