Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Mistress By Amanda Quick

MistressMistress by Amanda Quick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a great book, and I realized that I prefer Amanda Quick's books as Audio books more, Because I used to complain about the extensiveness f the details, but in Audio books they were another matter. This book is vastly entertaining, humorous, and mind challenging.

Iphiginia and Marcus looked to me two peas in a pod, they were so alike in interests and behavior that it sometimes was funny and useful, wherein the only difference was the common one between any man and women, he's logical and avoids love, she believes in love.

- In here I loved all the couples: Iphiginia X Marcus, Emilia X Adam, Zoe X Otis. All of them were cute

- One thing I like in Amanda Quick is that she inserts Mystery in to her books, and this time around I found difficulty figuring out the culprit, maybe after 3/4 of the book I guessed

- I hated the conflict concerning the Sands, honestly I thought it was selfish, both from the husband and wife and Marcus was the totally innocent victim

- I hated how people kept talking about Iphiginia not knowing the full truth, especially Marcus's brother, who kept bragging about his pure fantastic fiancee and telling him she's nothing like Iphiginia

Overall, *thumps up*

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