My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This was one of the sweetest books I have ever read! Right from the start when I read the blurb I knew I would love it, who wouldn't?! This was my first book by this author and since this is her first book too I feel it's ok for me to say whew I'm glad I happened to chance upon it I can't believe I wold have missed it.
Just from the prologue it had me melting all over the hero. I liked the touch of having the hero as the narrator in both the prologue and the epilogue, and the heroine had the whole book for herself. Okay to talk about the hero I need to finish the heroine first.
In the heroines case, she was the embodiment of a lost and abused puppy. Scared and distrustful at first, warming up a little, then loving and protective. I really liked the hero and the heroine, well I liked all the characters here, maybe not the villains because they were assholes, but the general good public were lovable.What I liked about the heroine was her innocence, and how she appreciated the presence of all who came to be around her, not taking a single one of them for granted, now a days its a rare person who doesn't take his friends and family for granted. I liked how slowly bit by bit she became trustful and relaxed in their presence, how she developed relationship, how she was their sunshine.
The Hero I have to say has become one of my favorites, before knowing her he was the typical jock type who were only partying or screwing, but after her his true self emerged, he keeps saying it's only because of her that he changed, it's not change it's the only chance he got to show his true character. I liked how he cared about her, how possessive he was with her, how she "Kiss the fight right out of him" as was mentioned in the book.
I was pretty shocked about they're short notice marriage, it's not my first time I read about fast marriages, for god's sake I read about many couples who married the same day they met,but those were historicals. This one shocked me because in this day and age to get married that fast IS pretty shocking. But I'm glad for them.
- I liked how every guy in the book (except the sick asshole who I won't even mention his relation) was protective and nice t her, I liked her relationship with Danny the most, some of their moments kinda chocked me up.
- I liked how all the guys who called her sunshine, meant it literally in their own prospective, and how at the wedding they described heroine a way giving the reason for the naming was a really beautiful moment.
“Seriously, though,” Kieran chuckled. “I can say, hand on heart, that I never thought Con would ever settle down, but when he met Em, she absolutely knocked him for six. Even before Danny warned him, on pain of death, to stay away from her, it was too late. One look at Con and anyone could see that he was so far gone for our little sunshine; it was love for life. Em, you really have no idea how much sunshine you bring into the life of everyone you touch. You are good and gentle, caring and kind, and the fact that you don’t see any of these things in yourself makes you more beautiful. There’s a great many men here tonight who love you like a sister and a daughter and as long as you have all of us, you will never want for anything. I look at you both together and I see hope. Hope that one day, we all might be fortunate enough to fall in love with someone who doesn’t want or need to change you, but who makes you want to be a better person. I wish you both a long and happy life together, but if it doesn’t work out, Em, you know where to find me. Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses. May green be the grass you walk on. May blue be the skies that love you. May pure be the joys that surround you. May true be the hearts that love you.”
- The moment she was kidnapped I barely held back the tears, I was in the office and didn't people at working coming to me asking what's wrong XD plus I had to pause couple of times to calm my heart and tears so that I can continue, it started from the kidnapping all the way to her waking up in the hospital room.
Overall, *thumps up* It's a really great book and I loved it very much, I would love to know about Kieran's story, but my bet is that the next book would be about her friends Nikki and Ryan.
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This book had already sounded good after reading the description of it when you sent me a recommend for it but after reading this review too I most definitely am looking forward to reading The Hurricane!