My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is my first book from this author and the first the MC (Motorcycle club) genre, I got interested in MC after reading a glimpse of it in Whisper Falls , though this one gave a different impression than the one in whisper falls.
I liked this book, it was adorable and flipping awesome in it's tough-guy but gentleman-bear-like persona. At first I was trying to get over the shock of the Trey's sexual tastes: he's into a bit of rough sex, he's ok with 3P but that was held me for a bit like how would he ask his club brothers for it would it be like "Hey bro, I have an itch can I come and have it scratched with you and your old lady?" cause common to ask a married couple if their ok with a threesome, it's just an idea I'm not comfortable with especially if the guys were like brothers, but what the heck, it's a personal preference and as he told the heroine it more like freedom of a sort.
I liked the Heroine, she was all tomboyish and tough-assed, not just it her it's cause of what life made her, she the sole provider for 4 person family, 2 disabled parents, a delinquent of a brother and she's in a man's job and environment, so life didn't give her much choice in the matter. And when I say I liked her I meant that I was with her in every step of the way, nothing she did I didn't agree with, and that's rare even if I liked the characters cause sometimes I disagree with some actions they took, but with Dallas I didn't even when she disappeared on Trey, she had every right to. I liked how in this book the author didn't stress in the issue of boss-subordinate can't have a relationship issue.
Trey was a badass biker dude, through and through, though I liked the gentlemanly side of him when he helped her and her parents, his only black spot in my book was when he thought she would be cool with him kissing the other girls, like seriously you grow up in this environment she didn't so of course she won't go all "Sure sweetie, you can go kiss her and fuck her" Hell no! that's why I was with her when she left and she was smart on the moves she took to do it, she gets my total respect. Though I thought she laid him easier than he should, but what the heck he suffered from it in his own way. I liked how everything worked out between them , and how even for the last couple of chapters nothing bad ruined it, and yeah the slap she gave that bitch was well placed, at the time I was like you go girl, show them what your made of! XD
Overall, *thumps up* and really this book is getting to my language XD
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100% completely agree with you on Trey and Dallas! Really glad you enjoyed the book so much.