My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I liked this book but I have to say from the bottom of my heart Wheew~
This certainly was more intense than the rest, not in action kind of way like the rest but in the emotional category.
Almost till the 60% of the book I was flooding my room with tears, but the other 40% it turned to dry season. I loved the Hellions I I want to thank the author for this lovely series and I'm truly glad that this series is my first MC series ever, and I bet if not for the way the author wrote it I wouldn't even have got near MC books. This book was a lovely sum-up to the whole series and the amazing Hellion council, but I still need to voice out that Silo is my favorite, To the rest of the council: no offense to the rest you are all hot and amazing but I had a thing for Silo since the beginning, oh and Trey your my second XD
- Loved the brotherly emotional scenes between Bishop and the rest of the brothers.
- I need to admit I didn't like Dory, yeah she suffered, yeah he didn't do shit when they were young, but still she kept his kid from him for 13 yrs, and I still most of the book she acted him he always did the wrong thing never her, she didn't show enough guilt, but Bishop kept hating himself more for all the guilt he felt after learning what happened before. Still the lack f remorse and the bitchy defense mechanism bugged me, like seriously she initiates sex then tells him what now your after civilian women?!! Are you kidding me?!! and shes mad at him most of the book when he's supposed t be mad at her.
- Bishop and his kid on the other hand were beautiful to watch and read about all their scenes and interactions. How both are settling into their new situation, I was over the moon when the kid finally called him dad in the hospital.
- When I said the first half of the book made me cry buckets I wasn't kidding all the emotional stuff and the interactions between Bishop and the people he cares about, and him dying thing, finding out about his kid and all that stuff, *sigh* it was so intense man, at times I couldn't even read from how blurry everything looked and I had to take couple of seconds to tune down the tears a bit.
- Loved Loved Loved Loved Loved Loved Loved Loved the epilogue a beautiful ending for a beautiful series, with all the kids and stuff.
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