My rating: 3 of 5 stars
It took me a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong while to finish this book, since I was preoccupied with life stuff, but now I'm back.
And to tell the truth I didn't like this book much, even though I was looking forward t it. It just I hate when people judge the other person based on nothing and they just make up assumptions about them and this book is full of it, and all is toward the hero. Poor poor Sam.
- Liked the hero, he had a good combination of ignorance and knowledge, unlike the previous hero, that guy was just like a child so cute and clueless, this one had experience but not the kind that's aimed toward gentle ladies, so it was cute to see how he would act.
- The heroine was brave and had gumption, she certainly pulled her shit together, and got herself from bad situation with the hero, but the only thing I hated abut her how she kept making assumptions about the hero. For god sakes the guy was unconscious why does she keeps talking to him and asking him questions that he can't answer since he is unconscious. Plus I hated all the rules, the you can/you can't it was the same issue I had with the first book, you ladies need to make up your minds!
- I liked how the hero is all heroic and kind but doesn't anyone to know, in a way its cute.
- I liked how the heroine way all touchy-feely with the hero, even in front of people in a way she improved his low self-esteem XD
Overall, *thumps side-ways*
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