My rating: 5 of 5 stars
In this one I certainly took not just a long while but forever to finish this book, I don't know how many months it has been in the Currently Reading section.
The scenario of a well-bred lady becoming a man's mistress was not a new concept to me, and I have read it twice actually, but the thing is that's the react reason that I didn't instantly read this one, the other ones were somehow grimmer which made me imagine that this one would be much worse considering the circumstances the main couple met at. But surprisingly it wasn't!
I liked the main couple, they seemed on the shy quiet type not at all like James and his wife Goergie XD. Though Derek being a Mallory doesn't have a shy bone in his body and given his statement to the family at the end of the book is prove enough, yet he wasn't as crazy as his uncles Tony and James were, and that's why I said he seemed on the quiet side, the Mallory's are crazily bold in some areas men and women alike. Kelsey on the other Hand was the shy type, she blushes a lot and not like Regina who would venture into an subject or any argument yet she's not the timid sort either.
- I liked the awkward moments when she met with Regina, and how she and the rest tried to cover it up.
- I liked the fact that what was in the story wasn't how the synopsis painted it to be, from it I imagined meanness and some ugly encounters, but I'm glad I ended up with them both happy and comfortable, and obviously enfatuated and in love.
- I liked how he was when he was frantically looking for her, how she was strong enough to delay the asshole as long as she did, and how the Mallory's handled his torture, he deserved what he got, that asshole!
- I liked how he instantly knew what he wanted and didn't give up, kept persisting and even announcing it to his family.
- I liked that his father Jason had someone, since book one till book three, I felt sorry for Jason the eldest Mallory, all three brothers loved there wives yet he seemed stuck in a loveless marriage, but I'm glad he loved a women and love her still, what's lovelier is that they are still together and she's Derek's mother.
- I liked how the family quickly accepted the fact, about him and Kelsey, not having a big fight over it.
- I liked how her aunt came in to the picture later, like a general demanding her charge back, and how she still refused to accept Derek just to annoy him, and how everything ended.
- I loved the ending it was beautiful, just wished that there was an epilogue.
Overall, *thumps up*
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