My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This certainly not my first Hockey book, but it is my first book by this author.
I have to admit that I wasn't expecting much fluff from the synopsis but woah how fluffy it was XD I LOVED IT!!
- I have to say the heroine is here was such a saint that when I go back t all the scenes she didn't do anything wrong, and in an awkward way it annoyed me, she's always understanding and forgiving, and that's something a can't do (I'm the type that holds a grudge depending on the person and what they did of course but deeper the offense deeper the grudge, I might pretend that everything is ok and we chat and laugh but it's always in the back or forefront of my mind, the distrust) so maybe that's why I didn't think of the heroine much of a realist cause I don't think people that understanding exist. But in the book itself I loved her I don't know hoe to describe her other than to point out that they are exactly the same reasons the hero likes her.
- Ok I might not be an overall fan of the hero, but I liked how he totally change when he met the heroine, It was really nice to watch that he started to open up sense he knew her and showing his true colors to the people around him. Plus there were parts I didn't like about him, first how hung up he was about the fact she moved on from her past while he couldn't, his dad, his insistence on bottling everything up and finally setting the best thing that happened in his life aside and leave her. That was a really dumb move, but I liked the ending it was a beautiful apology.
- Liked Garrett he was funny and cool and true to himself and his friends, he liked what he liked and who he liked not glossing over anything.
- I liked the little brother, he was so cute, especially when he met the hero and later Garret, then when he established his loyalty toward his sister, since he worships her.
- Loved the last chapter and the epilogue XD
Overall, *thumps up*
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