My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This one was very nice ^^
- I liked the hero since book one but here he was funny, and I liked him more ^^, and I loved the heroine she was funny and quirky and geeky and I so wanna be in her Pack XD
- I liked how the heroine pulled herself from being the weird awkward girl to being an alpha of her own pack and a multimillionaire company owner XD
- I liked how since they were kids she was so special to him, I know he was a big reason in here that she was bullied but it was obvious his affections were real and deep, and it was so cute when Sissy would taunts him on how he used to act before around the heroine.
- I liked how she built her own pack and how close they were, it was fun to watch them and I loved to read about them, how they had each others back, how they enjoyed each other, how they used each other to have fun, I especially liked her original four especially Phil and Sabina XD
- I have to say I hated Sissy the hero's sister in the book because she used to bully the heroine
- I loved the Johnny story, it was so like the heroine that's why she insists on protecting him, and I loved how protective he became of her, his very own surrogate mother.
- I loooooooved how the hero's parents got so attached to the heroine especially the dad is reaction was soooooo cute and adorable especially in the epilogue XD
Overall, *thumps up*
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