My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Ok the series is getting in to more depth now.
- I liked how closer Sydney was with the rest of them, how she started to realize that these vampires are more caring and humane than the humans themselves.
- I have to admit Angeline was a shock, since there wasn't much interactions with the Keepers after Rose and the rest left them, like what happened next? did they got introduced to the out world? or something like that.
- I loved that Eddie is in love with Jill, and it was kinda obvious sense the first book, but I hate how he feels so unworthy of her, like when he wants her she's dating someone else and when FINALLY she notices him now he's asking out someone else.
- The warriors people just made the points that Sydney noticed between the humans and the vampires more obvious, since people can be evil and the vampires can be good.
- I loved that Adrian is now in love with her and their first kiss was cute but I hated hoe abruptly it ended and how much she denied it.
- It was really nice seeing other characters from VA series in here, like Dimitri with his old famous duster XD and Sonya with her love for Mikhail and gardening.
Overall, *thumps up*
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