My rating: 5 of 5 stars
*sigh* such a cute book, I wish I would have a similar first encounter, not the fight part, but where a super good looking guy gets interested in little ol' me and asks me out XD
- The hero's past was Bottlegate, that fan was just and old plain asshole, and it's just wrong how the media crucify him on the smallest wrong, when he's such a nice guy.
- I liked his honesty as well, how right from the start he told the heroine he was interested, and kept up his pursuit not pushing or pressuring her.
- I liked the heroine she was nice and cute, and certainly has a backbone, I liked how the hero kinda saved her when that doctor degraded her, and then she just up and changed interest and poof he's in the past, which he deserved since he furthered his assholery by asking her out after the hero insinuated that they slept together.
- I liked how the hero, went after her, and it wasn't only to impress her, he did most things for other people and these stuff where the thing that touched and appealed to her the most XD
- I liked how natural they became together, how he didn't hesitate to show her his affections in private or in public, how they settled into a rhythm at his home.
- I hated the fact that the hero was dead set on not having kids after he proposed to her, and it was a low blow when he gave her a weekend to either choose him and no kids, or kids but no him.
- Loved the ending, it was beautiful and the epilogue even more so, and it had a bit of humor, but I'm just curious for the results that they were waiting for in the epilogue.
Overall, *thumps up*
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