My rating: 5 of 5 stars
To read something from Ian's point of view was such a lovely experience that I missed terribly. I've read his book and reread it like 3 times now but to have a new scene is exciting.
I loved when Ian was depicted in the others books, there through their eyes we saw how they thought and felt about him, how he showered Beth with his love and it was lovely too, especially since he's adored by all the family females which makes the men jealous XD
- The thing I loved most of all here it showed us how all of them are even after 10 yrs all of the Mackenzies with their wives and children and the MacBrides as well.
- I love Ian's inner thought and how his minds work and his deep deep feelings for Beth his love for her truly to me surpasses any legends or love stories because it shows how deep and real they are.
- I also love how Beth is so sweet and gentle but if anyone dares even for a millisecond to do or insult her husband she turns into a fierce avenging angel that will slaughter anyone if they so dares to cause him discomfort and I love that very much, because here too it shows that Ian's deep feelings aren't one sided because Beth's are as deep as his.
- I love reading about this couple and I think Jennifer Ashely did great by choosing them as an opening to her series
- I loved the scenes when Ian was with his children, and he's the cutest when he's with his youngest Megan because he always hugs her, and as a reader and huge fan of Ian's I've known how deeply Ingrained his disliked to be touched yet he always hugs her XD
- Many scenes in this book caused me to tear up, the part when Ian was distressed, when he disappeared I intensely felt Beth's fear, when their son got kidnapped I started truly crying because of Ian's deep anguish.
- I disliked Beth's previous brother in law when he came to visit on sight, not because of anything just of the principle of Ian disliking him as well XD I continued to dislike him even when Ian began to like him because he made Ian remember because he in a way used Ian as a lab rat. But alter on especially when he was in England with Ian Then I started to like him XD
- I liked when scenes and parts about Malcolm and Mary were mentioned in this book, especially when they informed us about their happy life with their so. And grandson XD it's always an enjoyment to me to read about previous couples
Overall, *thumps up*
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