My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is an amazing book, I'm literally falling in love with Alanea Alder, she just naturally brings everything I love into her books.
At first I was hesitating to read this book because from the previous book we know that it involves Keelan having his soul taken and then his older brother falling in love with the same woman who is supposed to be his mate.
I thought it would have a lot of angst, I'm not saying there wasn't cause there was but thankfully it wasn't through the whole series.
- I liked all the characters new and old, Kendrick was unexpectadly funny and witty, and Anne was just like me which literally was a first.
- I liked that the author increased the percentage of geekiness and nerdness in her books, not just refrencing movies and The Doctor but now anime which other books is my other obsession.
- The writing was so much influencial that I started chocking up from page 5 and holdingback my tears was a huuuuuuge effort.
- I loved how both Kendrick and Anne instantly fit in with the rest of the crazy crew, making me wish I could join in as well.
- I loved how Kendrick was convinced about the others devotion tohis brother and how he became one of the family to them as well, and the moments he had flashbacks about his brother made me want to cry so bad.
- I was shocked at the Ryuu part I honostly didn't expect that someone would come to take him back to japan and he would go, I also cried at that part as well, but thankfully Merlyn and Kendrick were there to the rescue, and what I liked more was how the others expressed their love for Ryuu that made him speechless and nearly wanting to cry.
- Plus more shocking things kept coming, like who helped Kendrick at the end, none other than our famous douchebag vampire elder Rene, I was so shocked that he helped, and I wonder how the others would react when they know of his assistance.
- I was happy about the news of Keelan's soul since it turns out that he wasn't in the hands of the enemy.
Overall, *thumps up*
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