My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This series is getting better and better, I have to thank my friends Eden Creed for introducing me to Johanna Lindsey, so far I'm loving her books.
Amy was such a refreshing heroine, she literally lightened the atmosphere in any scene in the book. What I loved about her was her boldness, brazenness more like it, I have read my fair share of bold strong-minded heroine but Amy was totally different, she took boldness to a totally different level, going after her man like that, which had me going "You go girl". I loved how likable she was, how comfortable she was with the other characters like Jeremy and such.
Warren was another matter entirely, he was gruff, mean, and on time downright cruel. He kept refusing her, taunting her, thinking all kind of possibilities why she was after him, first from her being practically a "bitch in heat" to her being pregnant and wanting him to marry her, then wanting him to have sex with her so he Have to marry her. Honestly there wasn't a thing I would have changed in this book, not even the days that went on with him avoiding or ignoring her, it just made the book more worthwhile. Especially the scenes when he's so set against her, and then the next second he either full of jealousy, or pulling her to him or falling to his knees (Personally my favorite *snickers*)
- I loved how everything worked out for the previous characters and how they are settling in.
- Jeremy is one of my most endearing characters, that's why I liked how well he fitted in with the rest of the family and even becoming Amy's best friend.
- I liked how the two pirates that worked for James in his ship now working as his butlers, oh how I wish I could see Arty and Henry XD
- I liked that Chinese guy who's was like their prison guard "Taishi" or something, he was funny, and I would have loved if he really left with Warren and started to work in their household.
- Yeah the two young uncles, are like a comedy duo they are just so funny I can't help myself from grinning whenever they are mentioned
- One last thing I especially loved the spanking scene XD
Overall, *thumps up*
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