Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dangerous By Amanda Quick

DangerousDangerous by Amanda Quick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well well well... So far this is my second book by Amanda Quick, and I have to say I'm leaning toward likey-likey ^^

I have to say I don't have much experience in mysteries in books, but I admit that Amanda Quick, wrote it beautifully, for once I never guessed the killer it the characters themselves did, and I also admit that I was doubtful at first. Plus it was a great idea about both the couple to be interested in investigations.

In Dangerous I didn't have a favorite character, because the couple were similar in many aspects as they both mentioned in their conversations repeatedly. But mostly I didn't like Sebastian patronizing commanding tone, I'm kinda of a feminist so I get little touchy in these issue XD, why was Sebastian allowed to assist with her work but she wasn't, murders not withstanding XD. But I have to say that both had their cute side, Prudence in her overall reaction to new investigation leads which makes her look bubbly, and Sebastian possessive reaction to Prudence. however as a side note I feel that the author focused more on the mystery part more than the romance part, which I know can be hard cause most authors do it the other way, but I guess its okay since their development was satisfactory.

Overall, *thumps up*

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