Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Accidental Wedding (Devil Riders, #4) By Anne Gracie

The Accidental Wedding (Devil Riders, #4)The Accidental Wedding by Anne Gracie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

At the beginning I thought the story a bit predictable s I wasn't that much excited about it, but I liked being slapped in the face with a great book. XD

In this book I loved Maddy more than Nash, here Nash messed plenty of opportunities with the wrong words. And Maddy had really proved herself as someone who wont take charity from anyone if it was solely for her, all her decision were based on the kids.

The scenes I loved in this book were the one's Nash had with the children, specially Lucy, because it was heartwarming at all the time I was "aah and ooh". I loved the parts were Maddy showed everyone what she though, first Nash, then Marcus, then Aunt Maude. And did I mention before how much I loved Aunt Maude, every time she appearance she bring a lightheartedness to the scene, like at the church, when she kept complimenting Maddy and backing her up, and specially at the wedding party when she told Nash "you can thank me later" that whole conversation was hilarious.

Now since I finished this book, I finished the Devil Riders series, cause I read the fifth book before the other. And can I say again and again overall I just love it and *thumps up*

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