Tuesday, November 11, 2014

To Catch a Bride (Devil Riders, #3) By Anne Gracie

To Catch a Bride (Devil Riders, #3)To Catch a Bride by Anne Gracie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is one hell of an interesting story ^^.As always I loved the book, not surprising from Anne Gracie.

Mostly I loved Ayisha, she was a most beloved heroin, brave, bold, fierce, loyal, and totally in love, but mostly I felt sorry for her and proud of her how she stod up to evrything and accepted every bit of a problem. And Rafe was amazing too, but like some of the reviews I read he was a total thick-head when it came to talking with Ayisha, he always fund the wrong thing t say. At least he fixed that problem at the end. But I kinda sympathizes with him at the beginning, cause I knew how it feels, when your family decides everything without even your knowledge are your obviously expected to succumb to their orders.

There is one thing that matched a book in this series, its when she came to save him from the pirates, how he felt after that, was like the first book with Gabe and Callie. And thankfully there was a minor touch of a side love story with Laila and Baxter, though I would have loved to know more about them, or it would have been perfect if they were at her wedding.

Loved the scene when she called him a pervert XD. The cat on Rafe's chest while threatening wake Ayisha up. The sleeping arrangement in the cabin, floor,bed,bed floor. Yeah and of course how Higgins kept interrupting. Some of Laila's scenes were funny too, but all her scenes were good, I just loved her as a character. But I was a lot disappointed with the grandma, I expected a great heartwarming reunion,and the grandma embracing her without caring that shes illegitimate not disgracing her right away. Like Rafe I was a bit shocked about his brother and all, kinda like how Harry Was with Marcus unexpected acceptance in the previous book.

Overall, *thumps up*

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