My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I feel like I've been waiting for this book like forever, since the prequel The Hurricane is one of my top most favorite books I was looking forward to this
- First I was like is it a stand alone or will there be a series A: Series! XD Second I was like will it be about the other characters A: turned out to be No and it's another book about our main couple.
Not that I mind, mind you I love Con and Em ^^
- I was afraid to read it at the beginning since when I finish a book I don't want to read anything later reafo find the same couple since I know in this books too they were face more hardships that they previously did and that's exactly what happened here too but I loved them in the first book and I knew I would love them in this too.
- The first book was mostly in the heroines POV with glimpse of the hero's POV but in this it was all Con's not that I mid that either it was nice reading the story from a guys perspective since most book they choose the heroine's view and what made this more lovely was that Con's version was full of devotion to his sunshine
- The mom was a bitch here too, no surprise there but I loved Danny more and more in here he was their parent not just to the heroine who was absolutely his favorite but the Con too and the rest of the gang, makes me want my own cranky smoking badmouth Danny
- I loved the evident love and devotion between Em and Con and the fact they never hesitated in showing it, especially Con and he wasn't stupid like the rest of the male population that exist in Romance Novels whether they know it or not they would never admit their love to the heroines XD
- I loved that the author showed us the prospective couples for the hopefully rest do the series, since now we know Ker's girl and Tommy's and that Liam is already with some guy in just dying to know who XD
- The scene when Con discovered Liam's sexuality was so funny that I kinda looked crazy in the elevator which was the unfortunate location where I read that particular scene XD my guesses of the guy that Liam is dating is that it's either Earnshaw or Albie, the first one since we haven't seen him with anyone since he made his appearance in this book except his sister and the second because I kinda have a suspicion XD
- I honestly don't know what to say or choose to declare as something I liked or didn't in the book since I liked the whole thing from the word Prologue till The End XD
Overall, *thumps up*
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