A Civilian for Silo by
J.A. Hornbuckle
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
After finishing
The Possibility of Trey, A Civilian for Silo became my most want to read in this series, but I had to finish the ones before so that I can start this one and oh boy how I loved them all.
The thing about the Hellion family relationship thing is the thing I love the most, these books are the best example to teach people not to judge a person by their looks, all the Hellions and Honeys have all the bad-ass biker look but they all have big and honest trustworthy hearts, I love how they are so loyal to the ones that matter to them, how they act first and ask second, and how they always have each others back. The pattern I noticed in all the books in this series that their always one of the main characters who is on the receiving end f the kindness and family relationship of the Hellions and that what I envy, I just wish that they are real and I can get to know them.
Loved Silo in here, in the previous books he showed his hellion side of a true and trustworthy friend, and in The Possibility of Trey he showed how he valued the values between a couple, and in Taking a Dare he made me so curious based on his overreaction on Dare's statement to wanting to marry. And boy how he showed us, I was so kind and generous and sweet and adorable and all cuddly bear material, language notwithstanding. How he just dropped everything to go all the way and get to Shelly and their transfer her to Missoula and t have her taken in to his home, and he took her with him to his new home and simply how much care he took in caring for her. He was so open in his show f feeling and love for her and I loved when he said this:
"He pulled back and gazed at me, his eyes a soft blue-grey "What?" I didn't understand the look, though I more than wanted to. "Just taking in the scenery," he murmured, tucking one of my curls behind my ear. "Fucking digging the view is all.""
I just melted at his words, and even their fights all the loud screaming were just cute between them, He was very alpha male yet with strong feelings and one purpose. To keep his girl with him.
The heroine was all class and that shit since she first got introduced in Reinventing Mel but all that was because that's what she grow up with, the your-better-than-everyone shit but in some people's opinion she might have been snooty but I didn't see much from that side, maybe at the beginning when Silo took her to his house but not much later. I kinda felt sorry for her, and glad that she went to Silo in her time of need, and later when she started to get more comfortable in her surroundings she started to show her true self, the one even she didn't know it existed, but which mostly appeared around Silo, I liked the part were the heroine felt proud when her friend told her that she and her husband never went that loud on their fights, and when She made the proposing at the end
With the ring and all that shit XD
- I kinda felt sorry for Silo at certain parts but I'm glad those parts didn't last long, because for a tough-assed biker Silo was kinda an open book.
- I liked when Mel and Lulu and Jules stayed with them, it was like a big family it just was cute.
- When the Creepy Fed first got introduced I thought crap it's gonna be a love triangle and Silo is going to have some competition, but I'm glad it never even existed he was such a creep.
- Throughout the book, some part of me was anticipating any news about Bishop, I just kept praying don't let him die, and I'm glad he didn't, but I'm just waiting for his book to see what's gonna happen with him.
Overall, *thumps up* even thought it's my first MC series, it's the best ever, I don't think I can find some other series that can top the Hellions
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